1920s – The Famous White Horse – Fairmount Barrack
Veteran Ric Hall has sent us some more historical photographs and bit of information for your viewing pleasure.
Many who have served in “E” Division will have seen, or have a copy of, the panoramic picture of the members on horseback in front of the stables at Fairmont Barracks taken in 1921. Always a discussion is the bugler on the extreme right of the picture on a while horse

1921 Photograph of the RCMP members at Fairmount Barracks in Vancouver, B.C. (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
Following is an enlarged image of the white horse in the above photograph.

1921 – Photograph of the RCMP White Horse at Fairmount Barracks (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
Discovered the following photographs taken in Vancouver around 1920s. a couple of pictures taken in Vancouver around the same time period and “Ol Whitey” is very much in evidence. Photograph below was taken on Cordova St.

1921 – Photograph of RCMP Fairmount Barrack members on horseback on Cordova Street in Vancouver, B.C. “Ol Whitey” is very much evident (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

1921 – Photograph of RCMP Fairmount Barrack members on horse back in front of the St. Paul’s Hospital (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of RCMP horse Ol Whitey stands out amongst his colleagues (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).