2019 Campbell Valley Wine Run
2019 Campbell Valley Wine Run
In support of Pacific Riding for Developing Abilities
Donna Morse, Past President
On September 22, 2019, the annual Campbell Valley Wine Run was held. Unfortunately, this year, the weather was extremely rainy, but spirits weren’t dampened as we all had the opportunity to taste different varietals of wine from several of our local South Surrey and Langley wineries along the route. As always, this annual run/walk is in support of PRDA which is one of the RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division, supported charities. I had the pleasure of meeting two incredible individuals who have been assisted by, and are now giving back, to PRDA – Dylan Allan and Greg Honour. They were excited to be able to showcase two of the PRDA miniature horses.
Pictured below are Dylan Allan, Greg Honour and Sandra Morse.