2020 Revised Survivors and Executors Guide and Checksheets
The following email (with attachments) was received by the Vancouver Division from the Nova Scotia Division:
“Good morning folks. I hope this message finds you safe.
I suspect some of you are not members of the RCMP Veterans Association so I am sending you some very useful information with respect to future estate planning.
Our Support and Advocacy team, over the years, has produced and regularly update the various guides we provide to our membership here in Nova Scotia. This information is also sent on to our National Office and published on the RCMP Veterans Association Website. What I have attached is the latest version, just produced. This is extremely important information, especially when your family is faced with the passing of a spouse or loved one.
Like many of our Divisions throughout Canada, when a death occurs or is imminent we provide trained counsellors from our membership to meet with the family upon request. You cannot believe how many times our folks find the surviving spouse has no idea of what to do, especially when it comes to the handling of the estate. Some spouses did not even know their husband’s regimental number and that makes it quite difficult to access the $10,000 provided by Divisions upon the death of a former member.
Regretfully, some did not have a will, and lawyers certainly gain from that issue. It is so important probate is avoided or the spouse could be faced with difficult financial hardships, and a will can avoid that happening. We have also found some former members who have gone through more than one marriage had forgotten to change their life insurance policy, still showing the original spouse as the beneficiary, some even with their mother as the beneficiary. Unless you want it that way or you are unsure, it might be a good idea to check with your respective Division Administration office to make sure the correct life insurance beneficiary is named.
Without going further, I have attached four important documents that you really should read and take action with, sharing it with your Executor or anyone you wish, for that matter.
Kindest regards to all
Sandy Glenn
Immediate Past President
RCMP Veterans Association
Nova Scotia Division
Members helping members and their families”