A Member of The Force Shares His Struggles With PTSD
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Members Helping Members
This information is being provided to all Association Members
Coping with PTSI
Dear Association Members,
The incidence, recognition and treatment of the Post Traumatic Stress Injury has come a long way in recent years. Members of the Force are no longer expected to just “suck it up” after investigating a murder – suicide. Police Forces throughout Canada and around the world are recognizing the damage that this kind of injury can cause – ranging from depression to suicide. Sadly the number of suicides in police forces exceeds the model for the general populace. Many officers have sought treatment, sometimes after a close brush with suicide and have managed to develop coping strategies to deal with this injury.
Presented below is the story of S/S/M John Buis who has bravely shared his experience with the public in an article in the Vancouver Province. John has asked that this story be provided to all our members in the event that it may help someone else deal with their injury.
Some may find this story disquieting, others may draw strength from it. John’s counsel is never be ashamed to ask for help. It is there and can save your life.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association