A Message From Our President

On The Occasion of My Departure
Dear Fellow Members of the Association,
As the time draws near for me to leave the office of President of the RCMP Veterans’ Association I would like to address all our Association Members.
Tomorrow will be the last day of my two-year term as President of the RCMP Veterans Association. I have enjoyed my time as President of our Association and hope that in the years to come we continue to associate as former colleagues who all worked within the RCMP.
I thank you all for the support that you have shown me during the past two years. We are all working hard to see that our Association continues to be relevant in today’s world.
It is truly unfortunate that we could not hold our 2020 Annual General Meeting this weekend in Regina.
Regina Division’s Planning Committee worked extremely hard to organize a weekend-long Annual General Meeting and we were all looking forward to the events they had planned. I thank them for their time, efforts, and their demonstrated skills in both bringing the events together and when confronted with the cancellation of the meeting, in dealing with the wrap-up.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected all our lives and has forced change that nobody could have anticipated. I hope that you are all coping with the isolation and restrictions that have been imposed because of the pandemic.
As an Association we have applied to Industry Canada for a postponement of the 2020 AGM within the terms of the Canada Not for Profit Corporations Act. We will be informed in the future as to the Government’s expectations for the 2020 Annual General Meeting. It may very well work out that we may not meet in person until the 2021 Annual General Meeting in Vancouver. We will keep the Membership informed as we receive direction from Industry Canada.
On Friday, June 5th, 2020, the Association will electronically hold a Board of Directors meeting by teleconference.
At this meeting, the three new Members of the Board, George Lensen from Calgary, Sandy Glenn from Nova Scotia and Don Belke from Edmonton, will be sworn in as Directors of the Association. At this meeting we will also be appointing the new President, Treasurer and Secretary. We will also say thank you to our current Treasurer, Peter Sorensen of PEI, our Secretary Mark Gaillard of Ottawa, our Director Céline Gingras of Quebec and our Past President, Al Rivard. I thank them all for their dedication and service to the Association. Without them we could not have done the work of the Association.
For the next two years I will stay on with the Association Board of Directors as the Past President and will continue to participate in the Pension Advocacy and Pension Oversight Committees.
I will work collectively with the Association Board, the Divisions, and the National Membership to improve and grow the Association.
Once again, I thank you for the honour and privilege of being able to lead our RCMP Veterans Association.
I hope you all can support the new Association Executive as one Association for all Members across this great country.
Thank you and warmest regards,
Steve Walker

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RCMP Veterans’ Association
Association des vétérans de la GRC
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