Veterans’ Kit

Orders of Dress

The association’s national policy regarding orders of dress is intended to provide clarity while encouraging both uniformity and inclusiveness. It further provides division-level discretion in specifying orders of dress commensurate with local circumstances.

The Division executive or designate (protocol officer or sergeant at arms) may exercise discretion in specifying the appropriate order of dress. For example, parade dress may be worn without headdress for routine meetings and gatherings; parade dress may be worn for funerals and services instead of ceremonial dress; and ceremonial dress may be worn without headdress at indoor funerals and services.

Orders of Dress fall under three categories:  duty and parade, ceremonial and formal.

For further information, click on Orders of Dress which is AppendixDOrders of Dress from the Manual of the RCMP Veterans’ Association (National).

Red Blazer

Several of our Vancouver Division Association members have asked about the necessity or requirement to purchase a RCMP Veterans’ Association red blazer.

Nationally, the RCMP Veterans’ Association has been encouraging members to purchase and wear the red blazer.  For the Vancouver Division, our Executive Committee has taken the position of a less formal dress code for our socials, luncheons and dinners. For these occasions, members are encouraged to attend these functions in business casual dress with the exception of the Annual Levee. For the Levee, we encourage members and guests to wear: blazer, sports jacket or similar attire.

Vancouver members are encouraged to purchase and wear the red blazer if they are

  • on the Division’s Executive Committee;
  • attending the Veterans’ Association Annual General Meeting; or
  • on the Division’s Ceremonial Troop;
  • on the Division’s Honour Guard.

You can purchase a Red Blazer through Derks Uniforms, in Edmonton, Alberta.  Visit their Website

We will supply the Veterans Crest for $20.00 (buyer to attach), buttons for $10.00 and tie for $32.00 if ordered at the same time.

Again, for further information, click on Orders of Dress which is Appendix
“D” Orders of Dress
 from the Manual of the RCMP Veterans’ Association (National).

Disposal of Old Uniforms

When a RCMP member retires they often retain their uniforms agreeing to dispose of the items at a later date in a manner which will not bring discredit to the Force.

With the passing of time and the downsizing of their homes RCMP Veterans are faced with the decision of what to do with their old uniforms.  Often family members  do not  want the old uniforms and kit.  To assist in the proper disposal of the old uniforms Surrey Detachment, in conjunction with our Veterans’ Association, has agreed to assist in its disposal.

If you are interested in disposing of your old uniforms and kit, please email Ric Hall at who will make arrangments for the disposal.