Addition of a Search Feature to the National Association Website

Finding the Nuggets on National’s Website
Dear Association Members:
Our website contains a myriad of information that is specifically designed to help you take advantage of all that our Association offers. Pensions, The Association Manual and By-laws, Survivors and Executors’ Guide are a small sample of what may be found here.
We are now providing the ability for you to ask the website a question on any topic and if there is information on the topic you will be given a link to it.

Shown above is a portion of the website menu bar. On the bar at the top of the screen you will see a small magnifying glass on the right hand side between the shopping cart and the language choice. If you click on this you will see a box appear with “enter your search” showing in it. Incidentally, this is currently being tweaked to improve colour contrast for readability. Type your search in that box, press enter on your keyboard and the results will appear below. Clicking on the title of the results or on the Read More box at the bottom right of the results will lead you to your search results, as may be noted below.

If you would like some help with this feature please send me an email. If you have some comments on the design of the search feature that I can share with our website developers please send them in as well. Email:
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association