AGM 2020 Accommodations

RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members
There’s no room at the Inn
Dear Association Members,
Regina Division’s Bob Warnke has advised the following,
“Please be advised the accommodations at the Delta Hotels by Marriott – Regina are no longer available. We have secured accommodations at the Wingate by Wyndham, which is next door to the Delta. Please see for information regarding reserving rooms at the Wingate.
Wingate by Wyndham Regina
1700 Broad Street Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 1X4
In light of the rooms all booked at the Delta, we have secured 25 Rooms at the Wingate at a cost of $115.32 per night plus tax with a King bed in each room. The group registrations are under “RCMP Vets 2020 AGM”.
Please note: All events and transportation to and from various AGM 2020 events will be from the Delta Hotel which is located next door to the Wingate. This hotel is also ‘wheelchair” accessible.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association