AGM 2020 Regina

This is a general broadcast to all members of the Association.
The Regina Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association will host the RCMPVA’s national Annual General Meeting at the Delta Hotel in Regina, Saskatchewan,
Between the 4th and 7th of June, 2020.
The AGM 2020 will include:
The local President’s Reception on Thursday evening;
AGM meetings on Friday;
The viewing of the Friday Sergeant-Major’s Parade at noon;

Friday afternoon Spouse/Partner wine and cheese reception with entertainment
The Friday evening National President’s Reception with entertainment.
Saturday activities include
Tours of Depot,
Including training simulators,
Dormitory visits
A troop drill demonstration,
A tour of the RCMP Heritage Centre, including lunch, to coincide with the official launch of the “Pillars of the Force” campaign.
The Saturday evening gala dinner will be held at the Delta Hotel.

Sunday morning includes:
Church Parade,
A service at the RCMP Chapel
Brunch at the Depot Division Mess.
The AGM 2020 is open to all members of the Veterans’ Association and includes all events mentioned above, along with ground transportation to and from the Delta Hotel for the events, courtesy transportation from the Regina Airport to your destination hotel and transportation to the airport on departure. All this for the price of only $75 per person!
If you are not yet a member of the Association, you may wish to consider joining your local RCMPVA Division to enjoy this bargain and the many other benefits of membership.
RCMP Veterans’ Association AGM 2020 June 4th – 7th. 2020. Registrations are now open. For a Registration Form visit our website
Don’t delay as reservations are already arriving. Check the website for further information.
AGM 2020 Committee
Regina Division, RCMP Veterans’ Association.