Appointment of Our New Association Executive Officer

Supt. Mike Cote Appointed as the RCMPVA Executive Officer
This information is being provided to all Association Members
August 29, 2019

It is with great pleasure that the Association Executive announces the appointment of Superintendent Mike Cote to the position of Executive Officer of the Association. Mike will be replacing our current Executive Officer, Ralph Mahar. The baton will be passed in mid-September and for the moment Ralph and Mike are working together to give Mike a working knowledge of the Association prior to Ralph’s departure.
Mike has graciously provided his personal profile as follows,
M.J.A. (Mike) Côté,
Mike was born in Gatineau Quebec and joined the RCMP in 1982. Following training at Depot, he was posted to Barrie Ontario and served in “O” Division for the first 25 years of his career. Mike worked in a variety of operational and administrative units including Drug Enforcement, Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU), Criminal Intelligence, Biker Enforcement Unit, Customs and Excise, Canadian Air Carriers Protection Program (Air Marshals), Organized Crime and as a District Advisory NCO for North East district. In 2012, Mike was appointed Corps Sergeant Major and transferred to NHQ Ottawa.
Mike was commissioned in 2014 and assumed the position of OIC Strategic Partnerships & Heritage Branch. In 2016, Mike was promoted to the rank of Superintendent and took on the role of OIC Musical Ride & Heritage Branch until his retirement in August 2019.

It is not without a sense of loss that we will soon be bidding adieu to Ralph Mahar who has gone beyond the call of duty in providing our Association with a seldom surpassed excellence of service. He will be sorely missed. The Association wishes him tremendous success in his new endeavours in Kuwait.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association