Belairdirect Increasing Coverage to British Columbia and Alberta
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members
Dear Association Members,
We are very pleased to announce that our platinum sponsor, belairdirect. is expanding its group insurance coverage for members of our Association to British Columbia and Alberta, effective October 21, 2019.
This expansion and special pricing for members of the Association is due, in no small part, to the hard work of Past President Al Rivard who has dealt extensively with Yasna Rojas of belairdirect in establishing the program.
Included in this message are copies of the letter from Yasna in English and French. For ease of reading the two letters have been separated into sections – one for English and one for French.
Belairdirect. continues to be a stalwart supporter of our Association and their help in allowing us to continue the work of the Association is deeply appreciated.
If you would like more information on the services that are available from belairdirect., they may be viewed on their website by clicking the button below.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

Copyright © 2019 RCMP VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION. All rights reserved.
Updated all members list for 2019 – deletes previous regional lists: Atlantic, Prairies & Pacific.
Our mailing address is:
140 Riverstone Drive
Nepean, Ontario
K2J 5E5