Covid-19 Message from Minister Mona Fortier
Dear Association Members,
The following information has been provided by Federal Minister Mona Fortier regarding the status of the spread of Covid-19 and precautions for citizens to take.
Prior to the article we are including news from CTV that indicates a remarkable breakthrough in dealing with the virus.
Both items follow.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Published Friday, March 13, 2020 9:13AM EDT
TORONTO — A group of Canadian scientists has successfully isolated and grown copies of the novel coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, paving the way for a potential vaccine.
Researchers say isolating the virus will help develop treatments, vaccines and tests for the virus and allow them to conduct long-term research to understand the biology of COVID-19.
“We need key tools to develop solutions to this pandemic,” Dr. Samira Mubareka, microbiologist and infectious diseases physician at Sunnybrook, said in a statement. While the immediate response is crucial, longer-term solutions come from essential research into this novel virus.”
The team, made up of scientists from Sunnybrook Hospital, McMaster University and the University of Toronto, used samples taken from two Canadian COVID-19 patients to replicate the virus in a level three containment facility at the University of Toronto in a matter of weeks.
Mubareka says having access to the virus will allow researchers to start working on potential solutions to the pandemic before the outbreak peaks in Canada.
Meanwhile, Quebec-based biotech Medicago says it has taken the first step towards a vaccine by producing a virus-like particle of the novel coronavirus, which will now undergo testing for safety and efficacy.
As of Friday morning, there were 159 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Canada, including the prime minister’s wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau.
The virus, declared a pandemic earlier this week by the World Health Organization, has infected 135,318 people worldwide and killed 4,981. However, 69,642 people have recovered from the virus.

The health and safety of all Canadians is our top priority.
As COVID-19 cases are being reported around the world, we know that many of you might be worried. The situation is evolving quickly and our goal is to limit its impact on Canada. While the risk within Canada remains low, we have a responsibility to make sure Canada is ready for all scenarios and we take that responsibility extremely seriously. We are taking action to address the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19 and the impacts it has on Canadians’ health and on the Canadian economy.
- We are working closely with local, provincial, territorial, and international partners to minimize its health, economic, and social impacts in Canada and around the world.
- We’ve taken a whole-of-government response to the virus by establishing a more than $1 billion COVID-19 Response Fund.
- The Fund will provide money to the provinces and territories to deal with preparation and mitigation for the virus.
- It will also support employers and their workers through the Work-Sharing program.
- We are waiving the mandatory one-week waiting period for Employment Insurance sickness benefits.
- No one should have to worry about their job if they have to be quarantined. No employer should feel like they have to lay off a worker because of the virus.
- Canada is among the best-prepared countries in the world to respond to the situation we’re facing, and we will get through what comes next together.

Here are a few tips to help you stay healthy and prevent the spread of infections by:
- Washing your hands often with soap under warm running water for at least 20 seconds,
- Using alcohol-based hand sanitizer only if soap and water are not available,
- Avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands,
- Avoiding contact with sick people, especially if they have fever, cough, or difficulty breathing,
- Covering your mouth and nose with your arm to reduce the spread of germs,
- Staying home if you become sick to avoid spreading illness to others.
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