Division Despatches 2020-11-25

News From Our Divisions Dear Members of the Association, We are pleased to provide a number of news items from our Divisions We would like to thank the Divisions for their contributions and please do keep them coming. James Forrest Director of Communications |
Saskatoon Division
Assistance to a Homeless Former RCMP Member
A huge congratulations to Saskatoon Division for the immediate assistance they provided to a former member of the RCMP who was in dire straits and homeless. Not only did they quickly make contact with this person, determined who he was and his history with the Force, made arrangements for shelter, but took steps to find employment for him.
A support team was quickly put together and success was achieved through their innovations.
Thank you, Saskatoon. This is an example of rising up to serve and the true value of the Association.
Sincerely A.P. (Sandy) Glenn
National President
RCMP Veterans Association
Toronto Division Division Member Jack O’Reilly Receives 2020 Veterans Ombudsman Commendation Commendation Lifetime Contribution Year 2020 Jack O’Reilly is described as a Mountie’s Mountie. That’s high and well-deserved praise for a retired member of the Force who regularly volunteers countless hours in service to both still serving and former members. Jack is valuable member of the RCMP Veterans Association, active in several areas of the organization’s work. His contributions on the Divisional Graves Program caught the attention of then Commissioner Bob Paulson. At the request of the Commissioner, he took on the monumental task of identifying, finding and maintaining the gravesites of the original 300 members of the North West Mounted Police. He also took on the task of locating the final resting places of every member of the RCMP Honour Roll. He and a team of fellow volunteers have had great success. Jack’s dedicated research and impressive determination led to him personally locating many lost RCMP Veterans’ gravesites and ensured that they were marked to honour the Veteran’s service. As Chair of the Association’s Sick Committee, he regularly contacts and visits sick and debilitated members to boost their spirits, and offers support and consolation to surviving relatives when a member dies. Jack also assists with any required paperwork, ensuring member’s families are looked after. Proudly sporting his RCMP Veterans Association red blazer, Jack is a familiar and welcome sight at all public events attended by the group’s Toronto Division. A Video Presentation |

Calgary Division S/Sgt. Arthur Crawford Levins, Reg. No. 14161 in advance of his 100th Birthday on Saturday, November 28, 2020 Happy 100th Birthday Arthur Crawford Levins Retired S/Sgt. Arthur Clifford Levins, Reg. No. 14161 Born November 28, 1920, Calgary, Alberta RCMP Service July 1, 1941 to May 15, 1967 Service in “F” Div. (Saskatchewan), “G” Div. (Cambridge Bay, NWT), “D” Div. (Manitoba), “B” Div. (Newfoundland), “A” Div., Security Service (Ottawa) Manpower and Immigration, Vancouver, 1967 to 1985. He joined the RCMP Veterans Association, Vancouver Division, March 22, 1968, served as Treasurer 1988 to 1997 Was made a Life Member of the RCMP Veterans Association, Vancouver Div. in 1997. Art and his wife Marion moved to Calgary in 1998, Marion passed away in 1999. Art is a Member of the RCMP Veterans Association, Calgary Div., volunteered and attended many functions at Fort Calgary. Arthur was born in Calgary, Alberta on November 28th, 1920. Along with his brother George and sister Grace, he was raised on a farm near Stanmore, Alberta. Art went to school in Stanmore, Carbon and Calgary. He joined the RCMP om July 1st, 1941 and rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant before retiring on May 15th, 1967. During that time, he was posted in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland and the Arctic. The following are some of the stories told to us by Art as he shared his memories. He was not allowed to get married as a young member of the RCMP. His girlfriend, Marion, went to the US as a nurse and he went to his first posting in the Arctic. Now that’s a long distance relationship!! Art relates his adventures in the Arctic as one of the prominent memories of his career in the RCMP. Fresh out of training, he embarked on a six month long journey to Cambridge Bay, which is in present day Nunavut. They journeyed there on a supply barge on the MacKenzie River. His posting there lasted 5 years, during which time his primary job was to travel to neighboring communities to take a census. They travelled by dog sled. He didn’t ride the sled, but ran along side of it. The sled was for carrying provisions for the trip, not for riding. He fondly remembers the people, fishing and hunting to provide food for the long winters, feeding and caring for the sled dogs. Art was always impressed how the people worked in partnership with the RCMP members. The native women made him buffalo coats. One was worn fur in and the other fur out to insulate against the bitter cold. They made separate hoods for his coats with softer fox fur around his face. They received their orders, their yearly allotment of supplies and their mail once a year and sent out their letters once a year. To this day, Art loves to talk about his adventures inn the Arctic! Another highlight of Arts career was his time in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). He often talked with us about being part of CSIS and how he thoroughly enjoyed his time spent there. But, up front, made sure we understood that everything he did during his time with CSIS was top secret and you can be sure he will take those secrets to his grave. After his retirement from the Force, he joined Manpower and Immigration in Vancouver as an Investigator and retired for the second time in 1985. He returned to Calgary in 1998 to live with his wife Marion until her passing in 1999. During Art’s retirement years, he was a very active member of the Knights of Columbus and of the RCMP Veterans Association. Art is now enjoying life at Auburn Heights Retirement Residence in Calgary and always looks forward to visits from his niece Lynda Gutor, niece Shirley Buyer and her Husband John. On November 28th, a celebration of Arts 100th Birthday will be held. Due to Covid-19 crisis, the retirement residence has only allowed four family members and two RCMP Veteran Members to attend. The Veterans Association did arrange for a bag piper to attend and play happy birthday for him. Please contact Lance Saunders for any additional information. Best regards, Lance Saunders Past President, Director RCMP Veterans Association, Calgary Division Email: lance@saundersgroup.ca Cell: 403-312-3042 |

Vancouver Division Vancouver Division Challenge Coin From Ron Morse, Vancouver Division Vancouver Division struck the challenge coin to honour the 93 years that Fairmont Barracks served the RCMP. As indicated in The Quarterly article this old heritage building may very well meet the wrecking ball. Thanks. Ron Morse Cell: (604) 363-3170 |

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Newfoundland & Labrador Division Presenting a $1,000.00 cheque to NL Food Sharing Association From President Leo O’Brien |

On 2020-11-18 President Leo O’Brien and Treasurer Duane Walsh of the RCMP NL Veterans Association presented a cheque for $1,000.00 to Mr. Egg Walters of the NL Food Sharing Association. Mr. Walters was extremely appreciated of the generous donation, and indicated that due to Covid-19 and now with Christmas approaching the demand on the Food Sharing Association is greater than usual. Mr. Walters was very thankful for the donation and assured us our donation will assist in helping many needy families. Leo O’Brien President RCMP NL Veterans Association |