Force: Images From The Past
Veteran Ric Hall sent us his most recent historical article and it is included below.
I often receive copies of photographs from my German friend, Tim Jöckel, who is an ardent collector of all things RCMP.
I thought I was pretty good at finding old photographs, but he has me beat! Below are some of the recent photographs he has sent me.
“In 1902 the North-West Mounted Police, responsible for keeping the peace in the often-riotous Yukon, blew off steam by dressing as women for a ‘drag’ game in Whitehorse.”
In the days before micro-fibres and specialized cold weather gear there was the bulky, heavy, but warm, buffalo coat. Can you imagine trying to get into todays police cars wearing one of these?
It is always interesting to see the different patterns of the early police cars. Many Veterans will remember, up to the mid-1960s, having to wear Pea Jackets with the Sam Browne over top when heading out on patrol…. unless of course you were out of sight of the Officer Commanding of the Sub-Division (remember them?)
Nothing stirs the heart of a Red-Blooded Canadian, or those from far and wide across the globe, than seeing a member of the RCMP in Review Order, the significant uniform of the Force, on horse back! Note, the Tudor Crown on the Shabrack, pre-Queen Elizabeth II, who chose the St Edward Crown.

RCMP member – the same horse and rider, and his partner, charm a young lass!

Photograph of RCMP members standing post at a memorial service for an unknown person.
My appreciation goes to my friend Tim Jöckel for providing pictures of Force historical items and photographs.
If you have old Force photographs that you would like to include in a forthcoming photo webpage, please email Ric Hall at