Laird Allan: Hockey A Tradition In The Force
Throughout the history of the Force, sports activities have been encouraged to promote team spirit and to keep the members in top physical condition.
One of the sports that Force members have and continue to enjoy is ice hockey.
As an avid hockey player and referee, Veteran Laird Allan continues to promote the hockey with his grandchildren. Laird forwarded to us the following North West Mounted Police hockey team members in Whitehorse Yukon.

1901 Whitehorse Yukon – North West Mounted Police (NWMP) hockey team.
Backrow: Cst. J.K. Johnstone, Sgt. McClaren, Cst. Piercery, Cst. Ferris. Center Row: Cst. Holt, Cst. Swift, Cst. Christenson, Cst. Lawton. Front Row: Cst. H.W. Fowell, Cst. Brickwood and Cst. Harbottle (Source of photo – Laird Allan’s Photo Collection).
Laird has included some photographs of some Surrey Detachment hockey team members from the 1970s and 1980s.