Larry Burden – This Day In The RCMP
The achievements and contributions of the Force have been built upon the individual contributions of many past Veterans. These contributions have largely been forgotten.
Veteran Sgt. Larry Burden ( #35982) served in “E” Division for 20 years has spent over ten years researching and summarizing these achievements by specific date. Nearly every day, Larry sends out an email message with a selection from his work in progress manuscript “This Day In The RCMP” to individuals interested in these historical notes.
In an effort to share his research to a large group, Larry has agreed to permit us to develop a webpage on our website. Each webpage will post Larry’s historical notations over the past week.
If you wish to contact Larry Burden or provide additional information about his research, please email him at
September 26
1903 – Honour Roll Number 27.

Photograph of the RCMP Cenotaph at “Depot” Division in Regina with the name of S/Sgt. Arthur Brooke (Reg.#1102) highlighted in red.
#1102 S/Sgt. Arthur F.M. Brooke age 37 drowned when fording the Bow River on the Blackfoot Reserve, N.W.T.
Sergeant Brook and Indian Scout, Special Constable Frank McMaster known as “Red Wolf” were traveling with interpreter J.A. Beaupre and Justice of the Peace J. Didsbury to Dunbow from Gleichen. The men were looking for evidence in the death of an Indian named “Wolfchild” who was a suspect in a horse theft case involving Mr. John Clarke of Crowfoot.
At approximately 6:00 pm the group decided to ford the river near “Axes Camp” instead of taking the ferry over the river in order to save ten miles of travel.
When they approached the river S/Cst. Red Wolf riding his own horse entered the water ahead of the wagon team driven by Beaupre. Staff Sergeant Brook was sitting beside him and JP Didsbury was riding in the back of the wagon. As they proceeded across the river, Red Wolf yelled back to Beaupre that the river was rising and Brooke told them to continue because they had to get across. When Red Wolf got to the middle of the river his pony stepped into a deep hole and he fell off but managed to catch hold of the animal’s tail and held on until the pony swam to shore. While he was struggling to stay afloat, Red Wolf heard shouting from the men in the wagon but when he made it to shore and looked back there was no sign of the men or the wagon team.
The wagon and its drowned horses were found three miles down river the following day. It appears that all three men drowned when the wagon reached deep water and the wagon began to lurch and the men fell into the river and were swept away. On October 27, 1903 the body of Staff Sergeant Arthur Brooke was found two and a half miles down stream by a native named “Two Guns” who received a $20 reward. Brookes pocket watch had stopped working at 6:10 pm.
Brook had twenty years service with the Mounted Police and was married with two young children.
1957 – Honour Roll Number 115.

Photograph of the RCMP Cenotaph at “Depot” Division in Regina with the name of Constable Joseph Thompson (Reg.#18200) highlighted in red.
#18200 Joseph Thor Thompson age 27 was killed as a result of a passenger aircraft landing at Lethbridge Airport and crushing his police car.
Constables #18200 Joseph Thor Thompson, #19621, Eugene Oleksiuk, #16784 Edward Mueller and #14042 Corporal Harold Berry were traveling from their detachment at MacLeod Alberta in a police car to their annual revolver qualification shoot in Lethbridge. The weather was and road conditions were good for what should have been an uneventful trip. Constable Thompson was driving with Oleksiuk beside him while the other two officers rode in the back seat. As they proceeded south on Highway #5 by the Lethbridge Airport they had no way of knowing that a Trans Canada Airlines DC 3 was on approach to the airport coming in for a landing over their heads. For reasons unknown, the aircraft was flying lower than it should have been and as it passed over the police car, the landing gear crushed the roof and the drivers’ door of the passing police car. The damage was so severe that the entire drivers’ side of the vehicle was compressed to the top of the front seat. The car spun out of control and ended up in a ditch a half mike down road from the point of impact. Constable Thompson received a fractured skull and a broken neck. Constable Oleksiuk was knocked unconscious and went into shock but soon revived. Neither policeman in the rear seat was injured.
Thompson was rushed to the hospital in Lethbridge where a Calgary neurosurgeon did his best to stabilize the young man. He was then transferred to the Colonel Belcher Hospital in Calgary where he remained in a coma for over two and a half months. When he woke from the coma it was apparent that he had suffered sever irreversible brain damage and was classified “wholly incapable of looking after himself” and permanently disabled.
In May of 1958 Constable Thompson was transferred to the Deer Lodge Hospital in Winnipeg so he could be closer to his parents and siblings who lived in Gimli. He was eventually moved to the Selkirk Mental Hospital where he died in his sleep on December 18, 1961, two days after his 27th birthday.
Joseph Thor Thompson had joined the RCMP on May 11, 1953. He was fluent in Icelandic and had a promising career ahead of him. He was buried in the Community Cemetery in Gimli Manitoba. His three companions returned to duty and all eventually retired from the RCMP, each having achieved the rank of Sergeant.
1959 – A Pair of British Empire Medals (BEM) and two Queens Commendations were awarded on this day.
Awarded the BEM was:
· #18160 Alvin Thomas Millhouse BEM (See November 3, 1955)
· Constable Hugh Dickson Bowyer BEM, (See November 29, 1955)
Recipients of the Queens Commendations were:
· #16513 Laurence Martin (See November 3, 1955) and
· # Corporal Kenneth Marshall McHale (See November 29, 1955)
1963 – FLQ terrorists hold up a branch of the Royal Bank in Montreal.
1971 – Honour Roll Number 145.

Photograph of Constable Harold Stanley Seigel (Reg.#22976).
#22976 Constable Harold Stanley Seigel age 28 was shot and killed at a barricade incident at a private residence, at Iles des Chenes, Manitoba.
A twenty-one year old mentally disturbed man named Jean Charles D’Auteuil had locked himself in the bathroom of his parent’s house with a .22 caliber rifle. After refusing to come out of the room and firing a shot through the door, his father phoned the police. Constables Seigle and #? Floyd Rushton and # Staff Sergeant Edward Webdale rushed to the scene and Webdale proceeded to try and reason with the gunman over a loud hailer. After trying to reason with the deranged man for over two hours and then decided to fire a canister of tear gas into the house in hopes of getting D’Auteuil to surrender. As the Staff Sergeant prepared to fire the tear gas canister, the two constables positioned themselves around the house. Webdale fired the tear gas into the house and moments later D’Auteuil responded by firing a shot from his rifle. Shortly thereafter Constable Seigel was found lying face down by the garage with a bullet wound to his head. He was immediately carried to a police car and rushed to hospital but he died en-route.
Jean Charles D’Auteuil was taken into custody several hours later and was charged with murder but was found mentally unfit to stand trial.
Cst. Harold Stanley Seigel was born in Pembrook Ontario, and he and his wife Gail were expecting their second child when he was killed. He was buried at the Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens in Winnipeg.
1978 – Former Corporal #4332 Frederick Bard celebrated his 100th birthday.
Born at Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, England, Bard came to Canada after serving in the Boer War where he met up with a war buddy and began working in the coalmines near Estevan Saskatchewan. After witnessing and reporting a shooting he accepted the advice of the investigator and joined the RNWMP on February 20, 1905. He resigned after two years service so he could get married but reenlisted in 1914 and was promoted to Corporal shortly thereafter. After failing to get sent overseas to fight in WW1, Bard purchased his discharge for $100 and enlisted with the Lord Strathcona Horse and served in France. After recuperating from being wounded in action, Bard became the tail gunner for Flying Ace Billy Bishop VC. At wars end he re-engaged in the RNWMP but left shortly thereafter to seek better a better paying job as a cook so he could support his growing family.

Photograph of RCMP Corporal Bob Teather C.V. (Source of photo – Sue Heather)
1981 – Only 20 Crosses of Valour have ever been issued and #26112 Corporal Robert Gordon Teather, CV is the only member of the RCMP to have been awarded Canada’s highest civilian medal for valour.
On this day, in the early morning hour’s two members of the “E” Division (British Columbia) Underwater Recovery Team, corporals Robert Teather and #26483 Timothy J. Kain rushed to the scene of an overturned sixteen-metre fishing vessel. The “Respond” had collided with a freighter near the mouth of the Fraser River, and capsized in the treacherous waters of the Georgia Strait with two crewmen trapped inside the vessel.
The two police divers were transported to the scene in a Coast Guard hovercraft and immediately conducted an exploratory dive in the dark to assess the situation. What they found was a treacherous labyrinth of nets, cables and debris restricting access to the boat. It was determined that only one man could enter the sinking vessel and attempt a rescue. Though neither experienced diver had ever been faced with this type of rescue, they quickly formulated a plan. Today, “Octopus regulators” are commonplace, but in 1981 they were not. So the men cannibalized Corporal Kain’s regulator and attached his second stage mouthpiece and hose to Theather’s regulator, so it supply air to a rescue victim. After modifying his regulator Corporal Teather returned to the water and crawled his way past the debris and entered the boat and then worked his way up to engine-room in the bottom of the vessel in nearly zero visibility to the anxious crewmen.
Teather located the frightened men in an air pocket that was fouled by diesel fumes and explained how he intended to rescue them by swimming each one out of the boat using the modified “octopus’ regulator. One of the crewmen was a non-swimmer and was extremely frightened so Teather took some time to calm him down and reassured him that he would get him out safely. Once the man calmed down Corporal Teather had him put the regulator in his mouth and hang onto his back and then proceed to swim him through the boat. Half-way to safety, the crewman panicked and began to flail about and in the process knocked Teather’s face mask off and ripped his regulator out of his mouth. Corporal Teather managed to maintain his own composure and proceeded to physically fight the panicked man the rest of the way through the boat and up to the surface. On the surface Corporal Kain took charge of the excited man and swam him back to the hovercraft.
Though he was nearly drowned in the process, and had ingested a belly full of diesel laden sea water, Corporal Teather immediately returned to the engine-room and repeated the process with the second survivor.
The two fishermen would likely have perished from drowning or asphyxiation had Corporal Teather not undertaken this exhausting and perilous rescue. After the rescue Teather had to be hospitalized for several days, due to his ingesting the diesel and seawater. The sad irony was that this was the last time Bob Teather would ever dive. He developed diabetes shortly thereafter and had to cease scuba diving. Teather went on to author several books on diving and his adventures in the RCMP. His knowledge of underwater forensics and recovery procedures was acknowledged internationally and he went on to become one of the foremost experts in the world in the field of underwater search and recovery.
Both policemen were later recognized for their heroism, when on June 24, 1983 Corporal Robert Gordon Teather was awarded the Cross of Valour and Corporal Timothy J. Kain was awarded the Medal of Bravery.
Bob Teather continued his career with the RCMP, but his battle with diabetes forced him to take a medical pension and retire after 28 years of service He died at the age of only 56on November 15th 2004 from a heart attack, the result of complications with his diabetes. Tim Kain continued with the RCMP explosives disposal section until he retired in 2005.
In addition to receiving Canada’s highst award for bravey Bob Teather was an accomplished author whose works included On Patrol with the Royal Canadian Mounted, The Scarlet Tunic, and Mountie Makers. He was also considered by most diving professionals to be the leading expert in the field of police diving procedures. He published two books on the topic; The Underwater Investigator and The Encyclopedia of Underwater Investigations, the latter having become part of the course training standards for most police divers. In 2011 in honour of his service to Canada, the government announced that one of the nine new Canadian Coast Guard Hero Class patrol vssesl would be named after him.
The Hero Class vessels wre named for decorated soldiers, veterans and police officers and employees of Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the Canadian Coast Guard. The CCGS Corporal Teather C.V., was built by Irving Shipbuilding Inc. was 47 metres in length and has a displacement of 257 tonnes with a top speed of 25 knots. It was placed into service on Feb. 8th 2013.
September 27
1901 – The Duke and Duchess of Cornwall and York made an official visit to the Northwest Territories (then Saskatchewan and Alberta). At Regina the Royal couple was met at the train station by a guard of five non commissioned officers. They were then escorted to Government House in an entourage of eleven carriages by a troop of 33 men commanded by Superintendent Morris and Inspector Demers. Inspector Cuthbert acted as the orderly officer and Sergeant Major Church as orderly N.C.O.
In his report to the Governor General H.R.H. stated “I am especially anxious to record my appreciation of that splendid force, the Northwest Mounted Police. I had the pleasure of inspecting a portion of the corps at Calgary, and was much struck with the smart appearance of both men and horses, and with their general steadiness on parade. They furnished escorts throughout our stay in Western Canada; frequently horses for our carriages, and found the transport, all of which duties were performed with ready willingness and in a highly creditable manner.”
1941 – Honour Roll Number 69.

Photograph of RCMP Sergeant Louis Romeo Duduc (Reg.#10982).
#10982 Sergeant Louis Romeo Dubuc age 34 was killed in action, while flying an R.C.A.F. bomber to England from Ireland.
After serving as a regular police constable for two years Louis Romeo Dubuc accepted a transfer to the Preventive Service patrols as an air observer in Atlantic Canada in 1933. When the RCMP created its own Aviation Section in 1937 Dubuc jumped at the chance to become one of its first members and as a pilot he worked all across the country. When war was declared in 1939, Sergeant Dubec along with the rest of the RCMP Air Division was transferred to the Royal Canadian Air Force. In the RCAF he was given the rank of Flight Lieutenant and in September 1941 he was assigned to Atlantic Ferry Command. On September 26, 1941 Dubuc was flying a bomber to England from Newfoundland. The flight was plagued with severe weather that deteriorated further upon reaching Ireland where he encountered heavy fog. As he attempted to circle the landing strip at Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland he hit an obstruction and crashed. All three men aboard were killed. He was buried with full military honours at the Old Chapel Roman Catholic Cemetery in Newry, County Louth.
1971 – Any time you walk away from a plane crash it can be considered a good day. The RCMP Otter “CF-MPZ” experienced a low-level engine failure while flying near Hind’s Lake, Newfoundland. The pilot #22129 / O.1552 Donald Klancher did his best to find a decent landing strip to put his plane down on but there was none to be had. The plane went down into the forest and slammed into a tree. Fortunately he and his three passengers #21300 Bernard Johnston, #23796 Robert MacKinnon and #27561 Cst B.S. Sibley all survived. The Otter was completely destroyed in the fire caused by the crash.
1996 – Residents of British Columbia were shocked when the media reported that someone had gone into the Kelowna General Hospital and kidnapped a newborn baby boy. The day after the Kelowna Detachment received a tip and Police Dog Handler #31413 Constable Gerald Guiltenane and his partner ‘ARGO’ located the three-day-old infant, Denver Giroux in a wooded area near Westbank, BC where his kidnappers had abandoned him. Darlene Hucal and two male young offenders were subsequently charged with kidnapping.
Six years later Guiltenane lost his home in the Okanagan Mountain Park fire that destroyed 244 homes in the Kelowna area.
September 28
1972 – With 34 seconds remaining in the hockey game of the century, Paul Henderson scores on Soviet Goalie Vladislav Tretiak giving Team Canada a 6-5 victory over the USSR hockey all-stars, and victory in the eight game series. All of Canada was either glued to a television set or listening on the radio as hockey commentator Foster Hewitt called the play, “Here’s a shot. Henderson makes a wild stab for it and falls. Here’s another shot. Right in front. They Score!! Henderson scores for Canada!” There are no Mounties in Moscow for this pivotal moment in Canadian history but nearly every man in the RCMP like every other Canadian was watching!
1976 – Acting on a tip about a stolen car, Constables #26100 Brian W. Beeson and #30516 Tom E. Edwards stopped a Corvette at the Plaza Hotel parking lot in Kamloops British Columbia. As the driver searched his pockets for identification, Constable Beeson became suspicious when the man produced two wallets, one of which was loaded with $20 bills. Beeson asked the driver to step out of the vehicle and when he complied Beeson noticed more cash on the seat of the car, and a bulge at the waistline under his shirt. He quickly reached under the man’s shirt and retrieved a loaded .357 magnum revolver.
The two policemen then tried to maneuver the suspect into a position where they could search him better and a struggle ensued. The gunman yelled at Constable Edwards “You better back off or you’ll get shot” and then produced a second handgun. Edwards grabbed the gunman’s arm and diverted his aim just as he fired the gun. Constable Beeson then placed a chokehold on the assailant rendering him unconscious.
When the car was searched, police recovered $25,647.44 a third handgun, ammunition, three sticks of dynamite and licence plates from Nevada, Idaho, California and British Columbia. In addition they recovered two pieces of Jade jewelry and determined that the cash and jewelry had been stolen from the Grouse Mountain Resort in Vancouver.
The fugitive had taken two of the handguns at gunpoint from a pair of Deputy Sheriff’s in Ogden Utah and was wanted for a variety of crimes in several jurisdictions in the United States, including kidnapping.
As a result of their quick thinking and courage both Constables were awarded the Commanding Officers Commendation.
1978 – Two teenage boys received the shock of their lives when a farmer began shooting at them for walking across his field near Willingdon, Alberta, which falls in the Andrew Detachment area. They rushed home and told their parents what had happened. Early the next morning members of Andrew Detachment and Two Hills Detachment, as the Andrew Det. NCO i/c was away, arrived at the scene for the follow-up investigation. Corporal Guy Gibson, Reg # 24178, i/c Two Hills Detachment, Constables Carol Chizek, Reg # unknown (…not #20681 Karel Chizeck), #27496 Les Badham and #34469 Mike Rattray drove out to the scene. Leaving Chizeck and Rattray at the main road the other two walked up the driveway of the farm of brother and sister, John and Katie Lastiwka.

No trespassing sign posted by John Lastiwka (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
As the two policemen approached the house they found the Lastiwkas armed with rifles and yelling at them to go away. When they began shooting at them, the constables took to cover in the only thing available, a depression in ground. When the two policemen at the road heard the shooting they radioed in for assistance and the newly established Edmonton Emergency Response Team (ERT) was mobilized.
The ERT included #17229/O.944 Inspector Peter Chyzyk, #23746 Cpl.Clifford Munroe, #24013 Cpl. Robert Braham, #24394/O.1330 Cpl. Richard Hall, #25223 Cpl. James Bennett, #26434 Cst. Louis Hudon, # 25740 Cst. John Brecknock, and #27332 Cst. James Galloway (Honour Roll Number 203, see February 28, 2004).

Photograph of the the John Lastiwka farmhouse (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
When the ERT arrived on the scene they found Gibson and Badham still pinned down in the depression. Using smoke grenades and artillery simulators as a distraction the two policemen were able to scramble to safety. The Lastiwka’s began shooting back at the team members and then retreated into their house. Splitting the team into two groups the ERT approached the farmhouse from different sides and tried negotiating till night fall to no avail. During the night the Red Deer ERT relieved Edmonton. The following morning both teams deployed and again attempted to negotiate with the couple. After the pair refused to answer demands to surrender the team fired tear gas grenades on front porch and shot 12 gauge “ferret” rounds through windows that were covered with cardboard.
The Lastiwka’s responded with a shotgun blast and shortly thereafter John Lastiwka yelled “There’s a wounded woman inside, you shot a woman.”. The police then ordered him to surrender and shortly thereafter he came out of the house wearing a child’s plastic helmet. Katie Lastiwka was found dead inside armed with a .22 rifle and 12 gauge shotgun. She had been hit with three pellets from a shotgun blast that had been fried in an attempt to clear the covered windows.
Katie’s sister was allowed to cross examine members during the Coroner’s Inquest. She asked how many members in Red Serge had marched up the road to kill her sister. John Lastiwka was taken into custody and charged with a variety of offences but was not convicted.
1991 – Honour Roll Number 188.

Photograph of Constable Christopher Collin Riglar (Reg.#33607)
#33607 Constable Christopher Colin Riglar age 37 was killed when he was hit by a drunk driver while directing traffic.
At approximately 11:00 pm Constables #33607 Christopher Riglar, #36062 Brian Fryia and #35276 David Kift returned to the scene of a fatal motor vehicle collision on Highway #1 in Colwood BC to remove a large truck that had been involved in the crash.
Constable Riglar wearing reflective vest over his uniform was directing traffic around the truck with a flashlight. Before either Constable Fryia or Kift could warn him, a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction veered into his lane and struck him from behind. Riglar was tossed into the vehicle’s windshield and he then rolled over the roof before coming to rest on the pavement. Using his first aid training Constable Kift tried in vain to keep him alive but the 15-year veteran was pronounced dead on arrival at the Nanaimo Hospital.
Kerry Cassidy, the driver of the vehicle that killed Riglar was initially charged with impaired driving and later pled guilty to a charge of dangerous driving causing death. Christopher Colin Riglar was cremated at the Haley Memorial Gardens in Victoria.
September 29
1902 – After concerns that area gold miners were losing money on purchases and transactions because gold dust particles were being lost in handling, all of the banks in Dawson City, Yukon announced that they would no longer accept gold dust as legal tender.
1931 – The Estevan Coal Miners’ Strike
Due to a series of wage cuts combined with deplorable working and living conditions, miners at Bienfait Saskatchewan joined the militant “Mine Workers’ Union of Canada” and a struggle to get the mine owners to recognize their union ensued. When the owners refused to deal with the union, tensions began to build.

Photograph of Annie Buller addressing a crowd before the Estevan Riot.
Judge E.R. Wylie, district court judge at Estevan was named commissioner and given full power to make inquiries into the dispute within the coal mining fields of the district, and make recommendations to the Honorable Gideon R. Robertson, the federal minister of labour. But before he could act the miners decided they were going to hold a protest march in the nearby town of Estevan on Tuesday September 29th and followup the march with a public meeting at the Town Hall where Anna Buller, a well-known woman union organizer from Winnipeg, strike would speak on “The Truth About the Strike.” Union officials announced that the miners would gather at Bienfait at 1:30 in the afternoon, and then move through the area mining districts and pick up more protestors en route to the town.
Fearing that a protest parade would lead to violence, a hastily called meeting of town council was held. The meeting resulted in Mayor D. Bannantyne and the members of the Estevan Town Council going on record that they would not allow any protest parade in their community. The matter was then handed over to Police Chief, MacCutcheon who in turn phoned James Sloan, the president of the Miners’ Union, and advised him that no parade would be allowed to enter the town limits.
Chief MacCutcheon then contacted RCMP in Regina and asked for men to augment his small police force. Having anticipated the growing unrest in the area the RCMP led by Inspector #5100 / O.206 William J. Moorhead, mobilized a troop of 45 men of which 32 of them had only two months service or less. The men were stationed in the vicinity of the Truxa Traer mine, the only large mine still in operation. Additional transportation was arranged so they couldqucikly rush reinforcements to any place in the sector should trouble should arise.
When James Sloan announced to the miners that the Mayor had forbade a protest parade, the mob of nearly 600 people decided to march on the town anyway. As trucks of people arrived within a block of the town hall, the miners were met by a row of police. The procession then circled around the block, and moved up to the town hall. At 3:20 pm the police armed with rifles and revolvers drawn ordered the crowd to disperse. Instead of heeding the order several miners jumped out of their vehicles and rushed the police line and began hurling stones and clubs at the policemen. The men did not fire but slowly retreated to the Town Hall and called in the Fire Department to help quell the mob with fire hoses. At 3:30 the fire hoses were turned on the mob and the crowd began attacking the Firemen. Inspector Moorhead then gave the order to fire over the heads of the rioters.
With their backs literally to the wall of the Town Hall and blood streaming down their faces from wounds caused by stones, bricks and debris the policemen continued to fire over the crowd until another squad of sixteen policemen armed with rifles rushed into town. With the arrival of additional men, the mob broke up and began running away. In the aftermath of the riot three protestors lay dead 23 others including several policemen were wounded. The following week saw a heavy police crack down and the prosecution of 14 ringleaders. Understandably the miners accused the police of firing on a peaceful protest but the Royal Commission cleared the police of any wrongdoing and eventually brought an end to the dispute.

Photograph of the RCMP members assigned to assist with the Estevan Riot.
History seldom records the names of the ordinary men who do their duty especially if the duty is unpopular. The 45 members of the RCMP who did their duty on that fateful day included:
#4748 William G. Mulhall, #5111 Staff Sergeant Charles Richardson, #10425 Walter M. Mortimer, #10426 John Molyneaux, #10434 Robert Edmund Thrussell, #10564 Joseph Augustus Aloysius Kirk, #10634 Edward Arnold Chamberlain, #10650 Reginald Philip Gowanlock, #10755 John William Harvey Waddy, #10848 Donald McLay, #10875 W.J. Tyne, #10920 Arthur Stoddart, #10923 Thomas Andrew Edmund Overend, #10925 John Cecil Nash, #10929 Malcom Alexander Sutherland, #10934 Alexander Stewart Cameron, #10937 Alexander Lockwood, #10938 Paul Syrotuck, #10939 Kenneth Richard Ruddick, #10941 Earle Carter Clendenning, #10943 Albert William Parsons, #10944 Dalton Mahlon Beach, #10947 William Henry Billington, #10948 E.A. Wakefield, #10949 Peter Petworth Nightingale, #10950 Harry Allen #10951 J.I. Palmer, (wounded) #10956 A.W Hubey, #10961 David Henley Beeching, #10953 Raymond Leslie Woodhouse, #10958 Herbert Robertson, #10962 John Bigham Kerr Osborne, #10969 Frank Martyn, #10972 Horace Walter Taylor, #10973 G.G.F. Hart, #10995 P.W.E Harcourt, #10996 Lorne William Hopkins, #10998 H. Lister, #11006 T.W. Thomas, #11011 Angus Morrison, #11018 D. Bird, #11020 Jeffrey Raymond Vidal, #11021 H.S. Steele and #11024 H.S. Wilson.

1931 Photograph of projectiles recovered at the Estevan riot. (Source of photo – RCMP Historical Collections Unit – “Depot” Division).
1968 – #23307 Constable Joseph Blackman received a complaint that a woman in Carcross, Yukon had threatened to kill her husband with a rifle. When he attended to the scene, he found the woman standing in yard with rifle waiting patiently for her husband to return home. Keeping his cool Constable Blackman quietly talked to the women for about twenty minutes and when she was momentarily distracted he grabbed the loaded rifle from her and took her into custody earning himself a Commanders Commendation.
1995 – #36715 Constable Robert Hart was working in his police car while parked on the side of the highway in Saskatchewan. Without warning, a loaded gravel truck smashed into and ran over his car. Hart survived the incident but he received multiple internal injuries and almost lost his left foot when it was nearly severed. He attributed his survival to the fact that Kevlar bulletproof vest absorbed much of the trauma.