Musical Ride 100 Year Celebratory Coin
This information is being provided to all Association Members

Royal Canadian Mounted Police Silver Coin
Dear Association Members,
For those coin collectors amongst us, Phil Graham of Red Deer Division has come across an interesting item currently being offered for sale by the company SilverGoldBull. It consists of a $10.00 coin containing 2 ounces of silver that celebrates the 2020 centenary of the founding of the musical ride in 1920.
Phil thought that our members might be interested in the coin and thus we are sharing it with you. The reviews on the company are for the most part quite good but naturally we can take no responsibility for your satisfaction or lack thereof, with the product.
The company operates an ecommerce website where you can order the coin (amongst other products).
The link to the page on the company website is:
RCMP Coin |
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association