Extension – 2021 Veterans Ombud Commendations
Dear Members,
We just received a note from the office of the Ombudsman that they have extended the closing date for Ombudsman commendation nominations to July 15th., 2021. Eligible for nominations are veterans of the Force and the Canadian Armed Forces.
In the aftermath of Covid many of us are aware of the incredible work done by the Divisions to help their members try and get through the pandemic and there are doubtless, individuals in the Divisions that will immediately come to mind as being candidates for recognition.
Please take the time to submit names of these heroes to the Ombudsman’s’ Office and of course we will be publishing the names once they have been chosen.
Given the terrible heat now prevalent in parts of Canada we thought we would add a winter scene to this message to provide a cool relief.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
Our nomination period for the 2021 Veterans Ombud Commendations has been extended until July 15th! If you know someone who deserves recognition for their exceptional contribution to the well-being of Veterans and their families, nominate them this year:
https://ombudsman-veterans.gc.ca/en/commendation/guidelinesThis award recognizes the outstanding contributions of individuals and groups across Canada who work tirelessly to support Veterans of the Canadian Armed Forces and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and their families. There are four nomination categories:• National organization or group – to recognize the exceptional work and significant contribution of an organization or group with a national scope that has resulted in a long-lasting and positive impact on the well-being of Veterans and their families;
• Local organization or group – to recognize the exceptional work and significant contribution of an organization or group that has resulted in a long-lasting and positive impact, at the local or regional level, on the well-being of Veterans and their families;
• Individual – to recognize the exceptional work and significant contribution of an individual that has resulted in a long-lasting and positive impact on the well-being of Veterans and their families at the national or local level; and
• Lifetime Contribution – to recognize the life-long dedication, exceptional work, and significant contribution an individual has made in supporting or advocating for Veterans and their families.Nominations must include a completed nomination form and a summary of why the nominee is deserving of the Veterans Ombud Commendation. Click here for the guidelines & form. The nomination submission deadline is July 15, 2021.
Please send completed nominations by mail, fax or electronically to:
Office of the Veterans Ombud
PO Box 66
Charlottetown PE C1A 7K2
By Fax: 888-566-7582
By email: commendation-citation@ombudsman-veterans.gc.ca
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Veterans Ombudsperson
Colonel (Ret’d) Nishika Jardine