Our Annual General Meeting

This information is being provided to all Association Members
Thinking About the AGM 2020?
Every year the Association holds an AGM somewhere in Canada hosted by one of our Divisions. The AGM’s are an amazing coming together of memorable and enjoyable events. Every year a number of us (members of the Association and spouses) have the opportunity to meet up with friends that haven’t been seen in years or at least since the last AGM. But what varies every year is the location of the event. The sights and sounds of cities across the country. I’ll never forget the wonder of cod tongues at the Newfoundland and Labrador AGM and the exhilaration of the scenery travelling to Alaska on the cruise organized by Vancouver Division. In every case the Divisions work their tails off putting together an event that will not be forgotten. Attending this year’s AGM in Whitehorse has given our members endless stories to dine out on. The warmth of the citizens of Whitehorse, the incredible restaurants, the green glacial lakes, the local art and the almost constant daylight. In fact, the daylight often led to forgetting the time as the stories were related late into the night.

Now, in 2020, Regina Division is putting its nose to the grindstone to put together a spectacular event in a city that many have not visited since leaving training. Our dear training facility, Depot Division has changed over the years as has the city of Regina. The combination of the two rolled into a dynamic package from Regina Division can only promise to be a unique experience.
And yes, in case it wasn’t obvious, this is a booster message for the AGM. Bob Warnke, who is working on the public relations side is part of the crew of this ship which will launch on June 4th., 2020 and continue sailing until June 7th.
Getting to Regina is easier than it was in 1873 – now we have aeroplanes, trains (only to Saskatoon) and cars. All the major airlines drop into YQR – Regina International Airport on a regular basis. Via Rail goes to Saskatoon – you’re on your own hook for the rest of the way, and the outdoorsy crowd will find abundant campgrounds around the city.
Once you’re in the city the Delta Hotel by Marriott awaits with open arms. Regina Division has blocked off a number of rooms at a reasonable rate so there will be more funds available for diversions. And possibly the first diversion will be the Regina Division President’s Reception on Thursday evening.
Then things start to rock and roll or as our Vice-President Sandra Conlin would say – “Here Come the Beach Boys”. Friday has some AGM meetings and if they are anything like the ones in Whitehorse there is a lot of really good information to be sent and received during them. We’ve never been an Association known to be short of opinions and new ideas and you will hear them all. At noon we will have a viewing of the Friday Sergeant-Major’s Parade at Depot. In the afternoon (speaking of delights) Regina Division is putting on a spouse / partner wine and cheese reception with some entertainment thrown in. (Hopefully President Steve Walker reading passages from the Operational Manual). And following on that, as if that weren’t enough, Steve Walker is hosting a President’s reception with even more entertainment.
On Saturday, if you’re still able to sit up and take nourishment there will be tours of the incredibly revamped Depot Division replete with seeing training simulators, visits to the dormitories and a troop drill demonstration. An added bonus will be an exploration of the RCMP Heritage Centre with lunch that will coincide with the official launch of the “Pillars of the Force” campaign.
That night will be the scene of a fabulous gala dinner at the Delta Hotel. Unlike Whitehorse, I don’t expect that the Dancing Girls in Snowshoes will make an appearance.
Now, if you have caught your breath, on Sunday morning there will be a Church Parade and a service at the RCMP Chapel followed by brunch at the Depot Division Mess.
All this is waiting for you as a member of the Veterans’ Association. And if you were wondering about transportation during the AGM look no further than Regina Division. They have organized ground transportation to and from the Delta Hotel for all of the events as well as courtesy transportation from Regina International Aiport to your hotel and back to the airport when you are leaving.
But wait, how much does it cost? We know some members tend to be a little flinty but $75.00 per person. You are getting a huge deal for a spectacular event.
And, if you visit the Regina Division website https://reginarcmpvets.com/agm-2020/ and click on the AGM menu item you will see an Accommodations submenu which provides pricing for the Delta hotel and details on local campgrounds. If you look at the transportation submenu you will see some of the discounts that WestJet is offering to our members.
Please spread the word. If you know people who are eligible to join the Association but cannot make up their minds, this is the chance of a lifetime to see us in full flight. If they join their local RCMPVA Division this too can be theirs.
Registering for the event can be done online, again at under the AGM 2020 menu item on the Regina Division website https://reginarcmpvets.com/agm-2020/ – scrolling down to registration will give you the option of printing the application and mailing it in or registering on line.
If you would like to see this all laid out in point form simply go to https://reginarcmpvets.com/agm-overview/ to view what all is happening.
Finally, a tip of the hat to the Regina Division Committee putting this all together,
AGM 2020 Committee
Chairs: Bob Smart and Bill Greenslade
Secretary: Bob Roy
Jeff Soroka – Hotel Liaison / Catering at Delta / Arrangements / Sponsors
Emil Knuth – Troop Reunion Contact Referral
Steve Smedley / Harper Boucher – Accreditation / Security / Registration
John Leitch – Treasurer
Bob Warnke – Communications / Website / Registration / Printing
Randy Burt – Depot Liaison
Diana Fraser / Bev Wood – Guest Social Activities
Marcel Fraser – Catering Services / Sponsors
Mike Spurgeon – Transportation

James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Some photos to remind us of our Drill Instructor