PEI Division Teamwork

PEI Division Members Recognized For Their Kindness
Greetings Everybody,
We have just been made aware of two Association members having received a prestigious award from the Alzheimer Society of Prince Edward Island. The Ferne Stevenson Caregiver Award is the highest honour presented by the Alzheimer Society and recognizes a person or organization who exemplifies excellence in person-centered care while promoting programs and services for all those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. The two receipients are Reg # 25186, Fred Foster and Reg # 26943, Llew Robinson and our Association could not be prouder of these members.
The details of the award follow and in them you will see the outstanding work of these two members in helping others who are suffering from dementia.
It should also be noted that Llew (S/Sgt. Llewellyn John Robinson) in May 2004, was made a Member(M.O.M.) of the Governor General’s Order of Merit of the Police Forces.
The Order was created in October 2000 to recognize conspicuous merit and exceptional service by members and employees of the Canadian police forces whose contributions extend beyond protection of the community. There are three levels of membership – Commander, Officer and Member – that reflect long-term, outstanding service in varying degrees of responsibility. Each level has corresponding post-nominal letters: C.O.M., O.O.M. and M.O.M.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association

Alzheimer Society of PEI presents
the Ferne Stevenson Caregiver Award
Llew Robinson and Fred Foster recognized for excellence in caregiving.

Charlottetown, PEI, June 21, 2019
Llew Robinson and Fred Foster were surprised to receive the Ferne Stevenson Caregiver Award.
On Friday, the Alzheimer Society of PEI awarded the Ferne Stevenson Caregiver Award to Lew Robinson and Fred Foster.
The award recognizes a caregiver who exemplifies compassion in person-centered care while promoting programs and services for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias.
Three years ago, the Alzheimer Society reached out to the community of RCMP Veterans Association seeking support for a former comrade living with dementia and his wife. Fred and Llew answered the call by stepping in to create a circle of friendship. “They truly embody the concept of working as a team and always made sure that at least one of them would be able to visit their friend each week,” stated, Corrine Hendricken-Eldershaw, CEO, Alzheimer Society of PEI.
“We had no idea what to expect when we both decided to take him “under our wings”. But boy did we learn fast. He was always a very outgoing, personable, happy man where everyone enjoyed his presence. By taking him on, getting him out to meet his buddies, relieving his wife to give her some well-deserved me-time, gave us both a feeling of being able to help our buddy but to also help his family. We were diligent in visiting him in the late stages of his disease, knowing there would be times he wouldn’t even recognize us. It didn’t matter. It made us feel we were at least doing something”, Fred and Llew reflected. “If there’s a message in this journey, then we want it to be you can do it as well. It just takes a little compassion and a little time. We don’t regret a single minute.”
They have also acted as a support to many other RCMP veterans, taking part in monthly lunch meetings and weekly coffee dates. They frequently offer drives to those in need and act as a key resource to connect others with information about dementia and financial benefits available to them.
Robert Moffatt, retired RCMP superintendent, shared: “They live their lives with quality and compassion. I am proud to call Fred and Llew my friends.”
Fred and Llew are also active supporters of the Alzheimer’s Society. They have served as a guest panelist for the January Alzheimer’s Awareness Conference, and the Dementia Friends Leadership Luncheon. They were also featured in a poster message encouraging Islanders to consider giving their time to support a friend living with dementia.
The Alzheimer Society of PEI is the leading health charity working province-wide to improve the quality of life for Islanders affected by Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias through education and support, while advancing the search for a cause and a cure.