September 5, 2019 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meeting: We met in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club” in Surrey, B.C. for our first Fall 2019 luncheon/meeting. President, Denise Martinson, welcomed everyone,and Auxiliary member, Violet Holmes, said grace, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. We enjoyed a buffet luncheon prepared for us by the “Hazelmere” catering staff. Vancouver R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Past-President, Donna Morse, was our Guest Speaker and gave us an overview of a new initiative from “Friends of the Mounted Police Heritage Centre and RCMP Veterans’ Association,” entitled, “Pillars of the Force,” dedicated to recognizing all members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who have honourably served. Plaques with name, regimental number, and troop may be purchased for installation on the pillars; or bricks may be purchased with the same information for placement on the walkway. Prices vary with the type of memorial purchased, and a dedication ceremony is scheduled at the site of the Pillars in Regina in June 2020. For further information, please contact Veterans’ past President, Donna Morse, at website www.rcmphcfriends.com/pillars-of-the-force.
This September luncheon/meeting concluded with everyone giving an overview of their summer activities.
Afghans/Blankets: A number of afghans/blankets and knitted baby items were handed in this date for delivery to the “Variety Club.” These items are still very much in demand for distribution to the various hospitals and care facilities.
“Honour House”: We are still planning on visiting and touring “Honour House” in New Westminster, B.C. this Fall, on a date and time that is convenient for “Honour House.” For those Auxiliary members wishing to attend (spouses/family too), and for further details, please phone Dorothy Martinson at (604) 261-4630 or e-mail demartinson@shaw.ca.
October 3, 2019 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meeting: We will be meeting in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere,” with a buffet lunch at 12:00 Noon. Phone Conveners will be advising members regarding the agenda.
November 7, 2019 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meeting: The Executive is looking into having a “Fall Fashion Show” at our November 7thLuncheon/Meeting. We had a fashion show at “Hazelmere” last October, put on free for us by a local dress shop in White Rock, B.C., and there has been interest shown in having another one this Fall, with another local ladies-wear company.
Ladies Auxiliary Annual Dues December 31st Deadline: As we are all now Associate Members of the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association, all registered members of the Ladies Auxiliary must have their 2020 Annual Dues paid up by December 31, 2019. Those exempted from paying dues are those who became Life Members prior to 2018. The dues are $30.00 per member and may be paid at any of our Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meetings in October and November, or at the Ladies Auxiliary Annual Christmas Luncheon on December 5, 2019. Cheques are to be made out to “RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary” and paid to Ladies AuxiliaryMembership Convener Barbara Scobie in person, or mailed to her at #23, 2081 Winfield Drive, Abbotsford, B.C., V3G 1C7, phone (604) 854-6084, before December 31st.
Accompanying Photo: Photo of Auxiliary Life Member and regular attendee, Mrs. Helen Brown (97 yrs.), with Auxiliary President, Denise Martinson, at our September 5, 2019 Luncheon/Meeting. Photo taken by Violet Holmes.

Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(604) 261-4630