(Vancouver Division)
October 3, 2019 Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/Meeting: We met in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club,” decorated by Denise in Fall and Thanksgiving décor. President, Denise Martinson welcomed everyone, then Auxiliary member, Violet Holmes, said grace, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Auxiliary members who were not present because of illness or other circumstances were remembered. We did not have a guest speaker for this meeting but we did discuss a few items of interest: how to find out about genealogy and what success, if any, that our members have found useful in their search; also, the interest in our upcoming Fashion Show for the November meeting. We also discussed the new venture, “The Pillars of the Force,” that was presented by Donna Morse at our September meeting. Many of our Auxiliary Members are interested in following up on this project to honour R.C.M.P. members within their family. For more information on this project, contact Donna at donna.morse@shaw.ca. Kathy Turnbull was present at this September meeting and received a potted orchid as her prize for guessing correctly three items in the “Harry & Meghan Baby Contest” held last May. She was the only one who had guessed right answers to the questions!
November 7, 2019 Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meeting: This meeting will be held in the “Fireside Room” at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club. Unfortunately, we will not be having the planned Fashion Show for this meeting. The two ladies’ wear companies that we contacted (joint companies) are now having an “Open House” at their new locations in White Rock on November 7th so we have booked them for a “Spring Fashion Show” for our March 2020 luncheon/meeting. We have now booked a local artist for our November 7th meeting, Wendy Mould (AFCA), and she will talk about her art and give an art demonstration, with hands-on material for those who wish to participate. November is the Month of Remembrance so please wear your red poppies to mark this occasion and honour the fallen in both World Wars, and subsequent Wars.
December 5th, 2019 Annual Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Buffet Luncheon: This event will be held at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club” and is open to Ladies Auxiliary members, R.C.M.P. Veterans, and R.C.M.P. Serving Members (and all spouses, plus guests), so please keep this date in mind for December. More particulars will be forthcoming in the November Report.
Ladies Auxiliary Annual Dues: December 31, 2019 Deadline: Please remember to pay your dues at our November 7th Luncheon/Meeting or the December 5th Christmas Luncheon. Dues may also be paid by sending a cheque or money order (payable to the RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary) in the amount of $30.00 to Ladies Auxiliary Membership Convener, Barbara Scobie, #23, 2081 Winfield Drive, Abbotsford, B.C., V3G 1C7, phone (604) 854-6084.. Cash will be accepted at the luncheon/meetings, and all dues must be paid by December 31, 2019 to remain as an Associate Member of the Vancouver Veterans’ Association for 2020.
To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the RCMP Veterans): www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com
Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
(604) 261-4630