RCMP Annual Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Event
RCMP Pipe Band’s Annual “Robbie Burns Scotch Tasting Event”
February 23, 2019, 7:00 pm at the NCO’s Mess, “E” Division Headquarters, 14200 Green Timbers Way, Surrey, B.C. The ticket price is $20.00 and includes appetizers, entertainment, silent auction and a chance to win a travel voucher worth $800.00 (raffle tickets sold separately). To purchase tickets in advance, see any band member or phone Mike Guillemin at (604) 591-9648.
The Silent Auction will help raise money for the operation of the RCMP Pipe Band, money for the RCMP Veterans`charities, as well as money for donation to the `Canuck`s Place Children`s Hospice – Dave Lede House in Abbotsford, B.C. The Vancouver Division of the RCMP Veterans’ Association is in charge of the `Silent Auction`, so if you have a new item or “collectible” that you wish to donate or require more information, please contact Dorothy Martinson (604) 261-4630 or Denise Martinson (604) 910-1186 or email demartinson@shaw.ca prior to February 10th. Items must be received prior to Monday, February 18, 2019. Please consider attending and donating.