RCMP Veterans – Guest Lecture Opportunity

RCMP Veterans – Guest Lecture Opportunity

Alaska Cruise Ship – Summer (May to September) 2020

An Alaskan Cruise Ship line that travels from Seattle/Vancouver to Alaska is looking for some retired RCMP Veterans to act as guest historians and provide (1 to 2 weeks) history lectures on the RCMP from May to August 2020.

It is a one or two week commitment. As part of the international guest lecturer program offered on the ships traveling the Alaskan trip they would like to provide information on history of the RCMP. Through surveys this is one of the most requested topics from cruise passengers. The cruise line would like the retired RCMP Veteran to provide informative historical lectures on the positive history of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

Some example past lectures included;

  • History and Formation of the North West Mounted Police
  • The North West Mounted Police and the Yukon Gold Rush
  • The History of the horses of the RCMP and the Musical Ride
  • RCMP and Forensics (CSI – RCMP)
  • Training of the RCMP – Stories from Depot
  • RCMP and its Military history (battle honors)
  • RCMP today a multicultural police force
  • RCMP and its United Nations Participation
  • St. Roch’s journey
  • RCMP Dogs
  • RCMP Musical Ride
  • The Mad Trapper and the Lost Patrol
  • And other positive RCMP storiesThe lecturer is required to provide 3 professional power point 45 minute lectures. As part of the lecture there is a 15 minute question and answer period which follows. The lecturers must bring their own laptop and have use of audio visual material like power point. As part of the Cruise Line lecture circuit you are advertised on ship newsletter as a retired Mountie guest historian and not a police officer. This is non-profit and you are a volunteer and not paid for this.Your accommodation and food (cruise) is covered for you and your assistance (spouse?) for the one or two week Alaskan trip. You are expected to follow some protocol like not to speak on anything controversial/ political, etc. The passengers are generally interested in RCMP history as it relates to Canadian history.

    Your participation provides passenger (tourists) with positive memories and interaction with a retired RCMP veteran. The demographics of our passengers are predominately retired seniors and you as a RCMP veteran would fit in well. This is the thirteenth year of the program which has seen over 250 RCMP Veterans participate.


  • RCMP Veteran (retired members only) preferred within 10 years of retirement
  • Good public speaking skills
  • Able to speak to a group of up to 300 people
  • Computer literate – able to provide power point presentation with own laptop
  • Do not suffer from sea sickness
  • Valid Canadian passport for yourself and guest of your choiceApplicationIf you are interested in being an RCMP Veteran guest historian then please send the below information to JulieSmithGold@gmail.com1 – Name

    2 – Year retired and total service year in the RCMP

    3 – Short biography (300 word summary) on yourself and provide lecturing qualifications

Ron Morse, Secretary
RCMPVA Vancouver Division
Cell: (604) 363-3170