RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – March 2020 Report
MARCH 2020
March 5, 2020, Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/ Meeting: This meeting was held in the Fireside Room at “Hazelmere Golf & Tennis Club,” decorated in a “St. Patrick’s” theme, with many attendees wearing something ‘green.’ President, Denise Martinson, opened the meeting, and Auxiliary Member, Violet Holmes, said Grace. Following the buffet luncheon, several Committee reports were readout, then everyone had a good visit, especially with some members who we had not seen for a while. Raffle prizes were awarded at the end of the meeting. Unknown at this time, this would be our last monthly luncheon/meeting for some time, due to the pending Corona COVID-19 Virus and pandemic.
Proposed 2020 Ladies Auxiliary Fashion Show: Again, due to the Virus, the fashion show scheduled for our April 2nd luncheon/meeting had to be postponed. It has been agreed between the Ladies Auxiliary and “Melanie Lyn” & “Laura’s” ladies-wear stores that we set a tentative date for a “Fall Fashion Show” for our October 1st, 2020 luncheon/meeting. We are all hoping that things may return to some form of normalcy by that time, and we will keep everyone posted.
A Happy 98th Birthday to Helen: Ladies Auxiliary Life Member, Helen Brown, celebrated her 98th Birthday on March 14th, 2020, with a party attended by many of her family members. Our congratulations to Helen, who has been a faithful attendee at our luncheon/meetings for many years, right up to 2020.
Bereavement: Condolences have been sent to Auxiliary Life Member, Kathy Turnbull, on the recent passing at home on March 24th, 2020, of her husband, R.C.M.P. Veteran, #18011, S/Sgt. David Turnbull, in his 88th year, from stomach cancer. Besides Kathy, Dave is survived by a son and two daughters, and their respective spouses, and a sister and brother in Alberta. No service by request.
Future Ladies Auxiliary Monthly Reports: We presume that everyone connected with the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Association (Vancouver Division) and the Ladies Auxiliary, are aware that all meetings and luncheons have been postponed indefinitely until the Virus situation is under control. Until then, if there is news regarding the Ladies Auxiliary, it will be provided in a monthly report.
We hope that all of our members are following the procedures to keep everyone safe, and free of the Virus, and that meetings and get-togethers will resume before too long. STAY HEALTHY & SAFE !!
To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the R.C.M.P. Veterans): www.rcmpveteransvancouver.com
Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
(604) 261-4630