RCMP Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary (Vancouver Division) – September 2021 Monthly Report

(Vancouver Division)



Ladies Auxiliary Luncheon/Meetings 2021:  Further to comments made in the August 2021 Monthly Report, regarding the possibility of holding our next luncheon/meeting in October 2021, please be advised that an Executive decision has been made to not hold any Ladies Auxiliary luncheon/meetings until the start of 2022.  This also means that we will not be holding our annual Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Luncheon in December.

The next possible date for our Auxiliary’s first meeting in 2022 will be Thursday, February 3rd, when we will be celebrating our 86th year.  You will be advised in advance regarding this meeting date.

We had seriously considered, and actually booked, a scheduled luncheon/meeting at “Hazelwood Golf & Tennis Club” for October 7th, which we have since cancelled due to the unfortunate rise in both the COVID-19 and Variants, leaving “Hazelmere” to have to take stringent measures to abide by the new catering and restaurant regulations imposed by the Provincial Health Authorities.  These regulations would not make it comfortable or enjoyable for our members attending.  Everyone would have to wear a mask at all times (except when eating), official proof of a second inoculation would have to be produced, no one would be able to leave their designated seat to visit others in the room, and could only leave their seat to use the washroom, or to line up at the buffet tables when called up individually to choose their meal.  Hopefully, things will have improved by 2022.

Regarding payment of 2022 dues by members of the Ladies Auxiliary, this matter will be discussed when we hold our next luncheon/meeting in 2022.

Some of our Auxiliary members have moved during the past 2 years, so if you cannot reach them at their address or telephone number, please phone or text me for their new information.  If you know of a Ladies  Auxiliary  member who has changed either their phone number or address, please let me know.

To receive this report electronically (and other news regarding the R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Assoc.),


Dorothy Martinson, Past-President
R.C.M.P. Veterans’ Ladies Auxiliary
(Vancouver Division)
demartinson@shaw.ca  (604) 261-4630