Remembrance Day At Kimberly Detachment
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Veterans Helping Veterans and Their Families
This information is being provided to all Association Members

Remembrance Day in Kimberly, British Columbia
Dear Association Members,
This striking photograph was poached from Facebook. Looking at it may remind you of the artistic work of Arnold Friberg who, because of his skill was made an honourary member of the Force.

In the land of curious coincidence the member in the photograph is none other than Sgt. Chris Newell, the Detachment Commander of Kimberly Detachment. The photograph was taken by his son Josh as Chris headed out to participate in the Kimberly Remembrance Day Service of 2019.
As will be recalled, Chris was the recipient of the Veterans’ Award which is presented “to the serving member who best reflects the mission, vision and values of the RCMP.” The idea behind the award is the role of retired members honouring those still serving, which hopefully would be seen as a meaningful award coming from experienced people.

This coincidence brought to mind the incredible work that our Divisions are doing to support both retired and serving members. Where the Association is able to help the Force in recognizing extraordinary efforts by serving members in helping the citizens they police then the Association has met part of its mandate. Almost every day news arrives of another example of our Divisions helping out their members, the serving members and the citizens of their communities.
Yesterday, a series of photographs taken by Newfoundland and Labrador member, Helen C. Escott was circulated. Those photographs showed the tremendous mutual support that our two organizations enjoy. One of the photos was so quintessentially Canadian that I thought I would reproduce it again.

A tall brown RCMP boot next to a maple leaf – what combination could better represent Canada.
Newfoundland and Labrador Division turned out to help the Force and the Force responded.
Sergeant Major D.S. (Doug) Pack of the RCMP Newfoundland and Labrador wrote the following,
Let me say from the Division’s perspective – if it wasn’t for our
Veteran’s contingent, we would have VERY few numbers on any parade in
the City of St. John’s. Most of our Division personnel live and work
outside the City as we are the rural police in NL, and we have not had a
St. John’s Detachment since 1983. The Veteran’s are our ceremonial
backbone in this capital.
Doug also provided a quote from Field Marshal Sir William Slim who amongst other duties led the 14th., Army during the Second World War and was the 13th., Governor-General of Australia.
“Remember, tradition does not mean that you never do anything new, but that you will never fall below the standard of courage and conduct handed down to you. Then tradition, far from being handcuffs to cramp your action, will be a handrail to guide and steady you in rough places.”
Immense thanks to S/M Pack for his thoughtfulness and support of Leo O’Brien’s Newfoundland and Labrador Division.
Being able to provide a narrative of all the enterprises that our Divisions are engaged in is a tremendous honour. The information highlights how much our volunteers are doing to promote the Association and how important volunteers are to our Association. As we know this is the season of nominating committees and elections and this is when volunteering becomes so important. If you have been thinking about stepping up to help out in your Division be aware that you will be welcomed with open arms. Not only on the executive but in the committees where your particular skill set could be tremendously helpful. Training acquired in the Force can be applied to working in the Association Divisions in a variety of functions.
James Forrest
Director of Communications
RCMP Veterans’ Association
Copyright © 2019 RCMP VETERANS’ ASSOCIATION. All rights reserved.
Updated all members list for 2019 – deletes previous regional lists: Atlantic, Prairies & Pacific.
Our mailing address is:
140 Riverstone Drive
Nepean, Ontario
K2J 5E5