Remembrance Day Service In Hong Kong





Veteran Ric Hall sent us the following information and photographs which he received from the Ottawa  Pipe & Drum member Charles Armstrong.






Although there is an RCMP Liaison Officer in Hong Kong I don’t believe the RCMP have officially participated in the Canadian Commemorative Ceremonies in Hong Kong. This year marked the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Hong Kong in 1941. Three Pipers and a Drummer went from the Ottawa RCMP Pipe Band to take part this year.




Just to be clear, each of us paid our own airfare to get to Hong Kong. Once in Hong Kong we stayed at the Hong Kong Police College. The Canadian Consulate organized the trip and covered costs while in Hong Kong. Although the Ceremony was our main reason to be there we put on a concert in an Anglican Church, played at a Hong Kong Police event, played at the Canadian International School and attended a Canadian social function recognizing the Veterans.

Spending time in the Hong Kong Police College was very interesting. RCMP ( musicians) were very well received. Lots of stories. Spending time with their Pipe and Brass Bands was amazing. Instantly welcomed and supported.


When I heard about the possibility of going on this trip I said that if I am selected for this trip I am taking my bugle. Even if they did not want us to bugle at the Ceremony I planned to go back on my own later. The Hong Kong Police have been piping and bugling at this event over the last 69 years. I was determined that the RCMP representing all Canadians should sound the bugle calls and play the Lament. The Canadian Consulate agreed. After we arrived and met the Hong Kong Police Pipe Major and were “tested”, we were on. Good thing we passed the test because I was determined to play anyway.


Sai Wan War Cemetery is beautiful. The Commemorative Ceremony was the best Remembrance Service I have ever attended. I leave out all the details. The RCMP was there, front and centre and we represented you and Canada very well.


I attach a few pictures. The “Cross” is at the bottom of the Cemetery. Long walk down. The crowd is at the bottom waiting for the official party to descend the stairs. We are led by a Girl Scout carrying the Canadian Flag. The largest active ‘Canadian’ Scout Troop anywhere! Four RCMP and six Hong Kong Police pipers and drummers. Canadian Consul General, Veterans and dignitaries follow. A beautiful picture.

The Last Post and Lament. RCMP Bugler and Piper.



Our reception everywhere was beyond anything we could have expected.

An amazing journey. Thanks for your interest and encouragement.

If you have photographs and stories that we could include in a forthcoming webpage, please email Ric at

image of Ric Hall closing block for his Photo Corner webpage