Ric Hall’s – Case of Interest
All members of the Force, either while serving or retired, have events in their careers that stay with them whether they be happy, distressing or sometimes surreal or a bit of all the above. While cleaning out some filed away bits and pieces recently, I came across something I had documented after receiving some crank calls in 2002 while I was the OIC of Coquitlam Detachment. In some respects, the events as they unfolded had a bit of humour to it. Except for the part where there was a veiled threat to kill me.
All members of the Force, either while serving or retired, have events in their careers that stay with them whether they be happy, distressing or sometimes surreal or a bit of all the above. While cleaning out some filed away bits and pieces recently, I came across something I had documented after receiving some crank calls in 2002 while I was the OIC of Coquitlam Detachment. In some respects, the events as they unfolded had a bit of humour to it. Except for the part where there was a veiled threat to kill me.
Osama Bin Laden, also known as Usama Bin Laden, my close personal friend, not really!

After thirty-seven years in the RCMP the job is supposed to become easier.
Towards the end of October, 2002, I do the routine check my voice mail messages. My mailbox is completely full and there are fourteen messages. Wow! I must be a really important guy.
The messages started at 20:05 and go through to 02:30. Each message is two minutes long and the system will only take so many messages. The system is full of messages from one guy. This is how it starts out:
“Ric Hall this is Mike H…… My phone number is 604-…….. You know you have been playing a game with me, but you have no imagination. I’m positive; you have no imagination, what you are giving in to. You have, you don’t care about all, you don’t care about judges, you don’t care about anyone, any whore, but I make you understand, that is not a threat, this is not a, this is not a game that you play with me. But you are my enemy; you are playing a game, head games, what they call it. Definitely I have an accent, but I have been, I have read three…four times of your rage, books, I have passed them with A plus, I …err…you…you cannot imagine, you cannot imagine what kind of connections I have. I have told your lover, your ex-employee, in Surrey, “Lorraine” you cannot play, believe me. You have no truth to gain and play with …to do…to deal with me, definitely you don’t, you won’t in that office in three months time. I have told your….your employees, your officers and I tell you yourself that you won’t be there in three months time. Have a great evening; I will do anything in my power to change you.”
And he hangs up. Well isn’t that just special! Thirteen more calls after this first one. Who the hell is this guy? Trying to think back through all the public complaints that I have reviewed against our members thinking this guy might be connected to one of them and perhaps pissed off with the end result of the complaint. Nope….the name just does not ring a bell.
Throughout all these calls and the next batch of eleven this guys sounds like a lunatic, laughing and rambling. But it does sound like he knows me. He knew I had been in Surrey it would appear from his comments. Ah! Now I know, my sons both posted in Surrey have been giving out my business cards to their clients. That’s it!
On several occasions he infers that I have a “brain of a chicken, of course I’m insulting the chicken, really.” Well that really is hitting below the belt. Apparently I will also be charged with a “terrorist act.” “Ric Hall you lie, deceive, destroy, distortion, you won’t get any place with me I bring you to your knees very soon. You won’t be working there.”
I give the matter to one of my Watch Commanders, to have all the calls recorded and transcribed, to find out who this jerk is.
Eventually, my new found friend calls the 911 number and rambles on tying up the 911 line. Our guys locate him in a telephone booth and arrest him. Up to this time the calls have still been coming to my voice mail. Not as many, but still the rambling goes on and always in the early morning hours.
He is released and one of the conditions of his release is to have no contact with me. November 27, 2002, I answer the phone, and immediately recognize the voice of my new friend. “Ric Hall, you won’t be alive much longer. You want to kill me. How old are you?” Whoa buddy, you are not supposed to be calling me, I am going to terminate this call.
I receive copies of letters he has sent to a host of people. My lover Lorraine is apparently an employee of the Commission for Complaints Against The RCMP. I keep her in the loop as to what we have done. She is receiving calls and letters as well.
During the course of all these calls my new found friend seems to have written to Mr. Tom Ridge the new Homeland Secretary of the United States of America, care of, The President of the US of A, Mr. George W. Bush, and copied it to the two cities I work with and our friends in the provincial and federal government:
“Dear Sir,
Merely by accident, I happened to know an interesting character which you are interested to know also is Ric Hall, RCMP Chief in Coquitlam, British Columbia. He was formerly chief of police in Surrey, British Columbia where he has built an un believable empire of drugs terrorist activities that, of course, includes Vancouver and Coquitlam, where after 25 years of injustice people found the infamous “Pig Farm” by pure coincidence.
Please, in-short, be assured, whenever the authorities of Canada get through with him. I personally will see to it that he is handed over to you and your associates for proper treatment, as some of the rules and regulations in Canada really are not prepared for dangerous character like him. Also, I am positive such an infamous organization have interests all over the world including the United States.
Sir, make no mistake, he, Ric Hall, might even know where Ben Laden is! As you likely know, the base of heroin is opium, which is widely available in Afghanistan.
Ben Laden whom I believe ruined his kidneys and brain cells too, which why he makes stupid decisions, by using too much opium as well as heroin. Again make no mistake, people like Ric Hall might hide Ben Laden in places least likely one suspect to look for.
Have we looked for him in civilized countries, including North America?
Yours sincerely,
Mike H…..
Wow, I am sure that I can hear the helicopters of the US Army Special Ops Teams crossing the border to come and get me and “Ben Laden.”

I also get a call from Surrey Detachment; it seems one of the young members there checked my new friend up in the Whalley area where he was consorting with known sex trade workers. When the constable stopped my new friend, he went into a bit of a tirade over me and my connections to the sex-trade ladies. I certainly do lead an interesting life according to my new found friend.
After fourteen years in B.C. I have received my second court notification for August of 2003. I can just see it now, “Supt. Hall, can you point out the accused to the court.?” Nope, haven’t got a clue what he looks like.
This job is supposed to be getting easier!
August 2003, Crown enters a Stay of Proceedings. Once again realize this is another reason why I became an officer, to stay away from court as much as possible.
Ric Hal 24394/O.1330