Ric Hall’s Photo Corner
This webpage is Ric Hall’s second webpage on the theme of “RCMP Photographed With Notable Individuals.”
As noted in Ric’s previous webpage, the Force members have been included in many photograph with famous individuals. We have included some additional photographs for your viewing pleasure:
- 1964 Vancouver, BC – Photograph of the Beatles shaking hands with uniformed RCMP members (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection)

1953 London England – Queen Elizabeth and Royal Family inspect the members of the RCMP Musical Ride (Source of photo – RCMP Historical Collections Unit – “Depot” Division)

Members and unknown uniformed individual paying attention to President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s dog named “Fala.”

Quebec City – Photo President John F. Kennedy, his wife Jackie and members of the RCMP Escort (Source of photo – Raoul Carriere’s family photo collection)
You can view the previous webpage for this theme here.
If have photograph that you wish to share and possibly be included in one of Ric’s future Photo Corner webpages, please email him at rshall69@shaw.ca.