Ric Hall’s Photo Corner
Ric Hall has selected the photo theme of “single member living accommodation in the Force.”
From 1873 and for the next 100 years, the Force discouraged members from getting married. In so doing, single members could be transferred to isolated locations for the term of their engagement and be transferred at the will of the Commissioner.
A 1915 Order in Council (2150 – 16/10 – 22 Pa 12 -75) stated “Any NCO or Constable who desired to get married must first obtain permission from the Commissioner through his Officer Commanding . The Commissioner may refuse such permission if in his opinion it would not be in the public interest . Any NCO or Constable who marries without such consent after the passing of this order may be discharged from the Force as unsuitable a the discretion of the Commissioner.”
The above marriage restriction was incorporated into the 1936 RCMP Rules & Regulations – Section 174. This marriage restriction remained in place until 1975 when the flood gates opened and the Force faced the inability to staff vacant positions in remote locations.
Ric has provided us historical photographs of the living conditions at Force outposts and detachments.
If you have old photographs that you would like to share and have posted on a forthcoming Photo Corner, please email Ric Hall at rshall69@shaw.ca