Ric Hall’s Photo Corner – Musical Ride Kicks Off Season At Queen’s 90th
Ric has received the following photographs from RCMP C/S/M Darren Campbell.
Martine Courage from the Pony Express outlined:
“While having tea with the Queen is often said in jest, this year, some lucky members of the Musical Ride got to do just that. The famed troop was invited to perform at the Queen’s birthday celebrations in May, which coincided with the Royal Windsor Horse Show. Thirty-nine members packed up their kit and 35 horses, taking the show to Windsor, England, to mark 90th birthday celebrations for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II. The equestrian-themed event featured more than 900 horses and 1,500 performers from around the world, including the Musical Ride, which performed May 12 to May 15. For the special birthday, Commissioner Bob Paulson presented the Queen with Sir John, an eight-year-old gelding. This is the sixth horse that Canada has given to the Queen since 1969.”

Photograph of Queen Elizabeth II greeting Commissioner Bob Paulson, C/S/M Darren Campbell and members of the RCMP Musical Ride (Source of photo – Darrell Campbell).

Photograph of Constables Allison Barker (left) and Ashley Taylor with Sir John, the horse that was given to the Queen as her 90th birthday gift. Both members rode the horse during their time on the Musical Ride.
If you have photographs of the Force which you wish to have included in a future Ric Hall’s Photo Corner, please email Ric at rshall69@shaw.ca. Ric will scan the photos and return the original images to you.