Scam Alert
A Facebook group chat request was received by a veteran in our Division from 2 senior retired RCMP members about a health and well-being check. He was not surprised as one of the members lives in Chilliwack (as does the veteran) and he had just gotten out of the hospital for surgery and was recovering at home.They chatted back and forth for a few non-descriptive exchanges. The veteran advised that the member he was talking with had received a 100K grant for home care. He was advised that he should apply and was quite insistent about it.
The veteran was suspicious and declined. Smarter than the usual Facebook user he asked a question that only the chat members speaking, and he would know – they both worked at the same place, same time. The member could not answer and instead sent a Facebook link directing him to “Agent Betty Young” for him to click on and get started.
The veteran disconnected at that time. He has been unable to reach the two members to alert them that they may have had their Facebook Accounts info cloned.Beware of receipt of any Facebook chat group conversation looking to check on your wellbeing.
It is a very well executed SCAM.
Murray MachamRCMP Veterans AssociationVancouver DivisionVice President, Advocacy & Support