Short Box Part II – A Tradition Carries On
Veteran Ric Hall sent us this article for the interest of other RCMP Veterans.
You may recall the “short box” was created in 1974. CHECK OUT THE PREVIOUS WEBPAGE HERE.
Much to my astonishment it carried on well past 2010 used by vertically challenged Right Markers to change the Senior Troop # in the Drill Hall at graduations….that very important part of the troop’s graduation dinner/dance created by S/Sgt. Ralph Canning, then the Force Armourer, but remembered by many as the terror of the swimming pool! The Drill Staff had saved one of those Dyno-Tape makers so that they could keep adding names to the “short box”. When the Drill Hall flooded a couple years back due to heavy snow build-up the “short box” disappeared in the ripping up of the floor.

Photograph of the original “Depot” Division’s Drill Staff Short Box (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).
A young Cpl. at Surrey Det. wanted to got back to Depot as a Drill Instructor, unable to get the job, he went back as an Academic guy and eventually he ended up on Drill. He definitely required the “short box” as do many others these days. He had heard the story about the “short box” and wanted to re-create it. He has done it, after a lot of assistance in finding the names of those who proceeded him….still a work in progress. A little Depot tradition is being carried on.

Photograph of the new “Depot” Division’s Drill Staff Short Box II (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).

Photograph of the drill staff box with the Drill Hall’s Canadian flag in the background (Source of photo — Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).