Supt. Jack Lew MORTON – Celebration of Life – May 12, 2019

18847 (O.966) – Retired Supt. Jack Lew MORTON, passed away from a heart attack in his home in North Vancouver, BC on April 5th, 2019. A Celebration of Life Service will be held at Fell Armoury, 1513 Forbes Ave., North Vancouver, BC on Sunday, May 12th, 2019 at 11:00 AM. The attendance of an RCMP Honour Guard at the service is requested by the family.
Jack was a long time member of the RCMP Veterans’ Association and an active member of the Honour Guard. In the absence of Team One Guard Commander Bob Underhill, Dan Lemieux will act as Guard Commander.
Those interested in serving in the Guard are asked to be at Fell Armoury by 10:30 AM. All guard members from other teams are welcome. If members are unable to attend, it would be appreciated if they would fan-out this message to other members who might wish to attend.