Tribute To RCMP Drill Instructor
Veteran Ric Hall sent us the images and narrative below.
Before I retired I started to do up wooden character pieces for friends when they were retiring. It did take on a life of it’s own as other’s wanted one. I tried to make them to suit their appearance with a nod to the absurd.
I found out that the “Short Box” I did up for the Drill Staff and had been used for many years by vertically challenged Right Markers for the changing of the Troop numbers at troop graduations in the Drill Hall had disappeared during the most recent renovations due to flooding. On November 4, 2014, Ric did an article about this ‘short box’ and you can be read this article here.
Wanting to leave something; I did up up a figure of an old time Drill Instructor and send it off to the Drill Staff.

Photograph of Ric Hall’s RCMP Drill Instructor cartoon character (Source of photo – Ric Hall’ Photo Collection).
One of the current Drill Instructors, a former member of Surrey Detachment, sent me the attached picture. Note he is wearing the old brown serge tunic and shoulder badges and the old cap badge on the cloth cap.

Photograph of Ric Hall’s RCMP Drill Instructor cartoon character with a RCMP Drill Instructor in three different uniforms (Source of photo – Ric Hall’s Photo Collection).