Upcoming General Meeting – October 17, 2019
RCMP Veterans’ Association, Vancouver Division
Notice of Upcoming General Meeting
October 17, 2019
Hazelmere Golf and Country Club, 18150 8 Avenue, Surrey, B.C.
Doors Open at 11:00 AM
“Blamed and Broken – The Mounties and the Death of Robert Dziekanski”
By Curt Petrovich
Earlier this summer, I had the opportunity to read the book “Blamed and Broken” by Curt Petrovich, the story behind the death of Robert Dziekanski at Vancouver Airport in 2007. It was such a compelling read that I reached out to Curt to invite him as a guest speaker at one of our General Meetings.
Curt readily agreed and will be presenting on his book at our October 17, 2019 General Meeting. His presentation will be extremely interesting for all Veterans as well as any serving members who wish to attend.
Please contact our Social Director, Dorothy Martinson, at demartinson@shaw.ca or 604-261-4630 no later than October 14th if you will be attending. The cost for lunch is $30.00.
NOTE: If you wish, you can pay for your lunch ahead of time through Interac e-Transfer. Log into your financial institution’s online or mobile banking and navigate to Interac e–Transfer. Select the account you would like funds transferred from. Fill out the email address for the Vancouver Division which is rcmpvetsvan@shaw.ca. If your financial institution requires a contact name, use RCMP Vets Vancouver.
Donna Morse, Past President