Veterans Submitted: Photographs
Over the past week, we have received many submitted photographs from various Veterans living in several locations in Canada.
1) Veteran Phil Juby photograph and sent us the Yukon landscape photo with the following details
“Went for a day trip to Skagway, Alaska yesterday. An excellent day weather wise. We drove alongside Tagish Lake, which is really a wide part of the Yukon River system. Last week, a local Whitehorse hooked into a 42 lb. lake trout here. The Yukon River actually has it’s headwaters just inside the Cdn. border of Chilkoot Pass at Lindeman Lake. It then forms Bennett Lake (where all the Gold Rush seekers built their rafts and boats to float north (downstream) to Dawson City (500 miles). By the time the Yukon River re-enters the Bering Sea at St. Michael’s, it has flowed for 2,200 miles. From Bennett Lake it enters Nares Lake, Tagish Lake, Marsh Lake and then Miles Canyon at Whitehorse….. then north and west. This photo is just a couple of miles from the site of the North West Mounted Police “TAGISH POST” where there were approximately 30 NWMP members stationed in 1898. Superintendent Sam Steele was in command and ordered that all Gold Rush boats and rafts and their occupants be registered before setting out on the perilous 500 mile trip to Dawson City. From here, he also ordered that the detachment collecting duties at the top of Chilcoot Pass also demand that each Gold Rush seeker have 2000 lbs. of provisions with them. Sam was also instrumental in enforcing the international border’s location. Prior to his arrival, Americans were setting up hotels, brothels, gambling joints as far inland as Carcross (Caribou Crossing).“

Photograph of young RCMP member Robert Teather.